To The Land Of Croissants

Corey Leung Eiffel Tower

Me in Paris 2010, 2012, 2017

I remember there was a moment when I was 16 where, in between bites of a croissant and with Beirut’s The Flying Club Cup playing in the background, I thought to myself “it would be really cool to live in France one day”. In the three times I have visited France since that thought entered my mind, I have felt the pull to stay get stronger and stronger. However, every time I gave myself an excuse to not do it. I was always not ready to leave my friends and family behind or not mentally ready to make such a big move out of my comfort zone. So it’s probably the most exciting and stressful thing for me to now say that I’m going to be moving to Paris in August.

What Are You Doing In Paris?!

Other than actually living in France, the most exciting thing about my move is what I’m going to be doing there. Starting in September, I will be enrolled in the MBA program at HEC Paris. Those who know me know how much I love the school environment and I can’t wait to start learning at an institution that’s 130 years old. Having seen the quality of alumni that have come from HEC and having talked to some of my future classmates over group chats, I honestly can’t wait to start my studies.

Getting to this point has felt like the end of a journey and the beginning of a new one. I started researching and preparing for an MBA almost two years ago. Between studying for the GMAT, writing the GMAT, researching schools, writing applications, and program interviews, this whole process has been a huge part of my life. In that time, I’ve worked in two different jobs and gone through a lot of life changes. There were definitely large periods of time where I thought the MBA would never happen. At the end of the day, when I held the acceptance letter in my hand, I knew this was something I had to do.

Corey Leung at HEC Paris in 2017

Me at HEC Paris in 2017

What Are You Doing After Your MBA?

The short answer to this is that I don’t really know yet. Part of the reason why I’m going to a school like HEC is because of how many of their students end up completing the MBA Triple Jump (which is to change your location, function, and industry after your MBA). I’m really excited to explore the different options available to me over the 16-months of the program. I know that I want to stay doing something digital because I’m a true believer in the impact that digital has on companies and people. Also, HEC is renowned for their specialty in industries such as Luxury Fashion, so there are a lot of things I would love to explore while I’m there.

As of right now, it is not my intention to return to Vancouver or Victoria anytime soon after completing the program. Part of the reason I am doing my MBA in France is because I am hoping to build my network internationally and explore opportunities completely out of my comfort zone. Having only lived outside of Canada for a total of four months when I studied in the Netherlands in 2012, I feel like there is still so much of the world I have yet to see.

As someone who generally doesn’t love uncertainty, everything I’ve just stated has made this one of the most nerve-wracking decisions I have ever made. However, as I wrote back in 2016, uncertainty is something that I continually try to embrace. I’m a big believer that growth starts after comfort ends so I’m excited about the amount of personal growth that will take place over the next few years. The one thing I’m certain about is that there are going to be a ton of ups and downs that go along with doing something like this but I also feel like I am more able to take those challenges on now than I have ever been.

What Are You Doing Until You Leave For Paris?

If you have a made it this far, I have a big favour to ask. I am going to be leaving my job at Lighthouse Labs at the end of June and we are trying to find a replacement. If you know any badass Digital Marketers please let them know about the opening and send them my way if they have any questions. I can honestly say that working as the Digital Marketing Manager at Lighthouse Labs has been one of the most fun and rewarding experiences I have ever had. I’m definitely going to miss the people a lot but I’m also very grateful that they are so supportive and accommodating to the move I’m making.

Other than work, from now until I leave in August, I’m going to be doing a lot of little things to prepare for the move. I started taking French classes four weeks ago and plan to continue learning as much as possible so I don’t end up being the ignorant North American who expects everyone to speak English. I’m also going to take a lot of time to do self-reflection and personal-growth over the summer to get myself mental prepared for what will be a few years of constant change. Lastly, and most importantly, there are still a lot of you that I want to see and spend time with before I go. Yes, I will visit lots in the future but I’m going to take the time to hang out with friends and family here while I’m still a Vancouverite. I am also planning on spending some time in Victoria. I’m excited to create lots of memories before I officially leave.

Did You Mention Paris?

I’ve spent a lot of time discussing school and my plans but I want to say how truly ecstatic I am to be living in France, and more specifically, Paris. Okay fine, HEC is not technically in Paris proper and is in a town called Jouy En Josas which is closer to Versaille but regardless I am excited to be so close to one of my favourite cities in the world. I remember visiting Paris for the first time when I was 19 and being in awe of how alive and beautiful the city was. I remember wandering from neighbourhood to neighbourhood and falling in love with the buildings, the culture, and the food. It was even better than what I imagined when I was 16. I still have to remind myself that this move to Paris is actually happening and not just a dream. Who knows, I might never leave.


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